My Delight MOP Ring

Item# 607510


  • Description

With every spin of the 18-karat limited-edition MY DELIGHT mother-of-pearl ring, radiant diamonds dance around the wearer’s finger, and small mosaics in iridescent mother-of-pearl white sparkle and glisten in the sun.  The cold enamel experts apply several layers of the colour to the individual fields by hand. Tiny crystal particles are mixed into the cold enamel, which position themselves in different directions within the still liquid colour. Incident light therefore always hits at least one particle of stardust, which reflects the light like a mirror.  Two small hearts made of vibrant red Wellendorff cold enamel set it apart. Free to move and yet closely connected, they move along the two spinning inner rings, sometimes taking different paths, before moving back to find each other once again. It is a magic moment when two hearts beat as one.

Round diamonds perfectly complement the square, mother-of-pearl mosaics, as squares of the same size are “cut” by hand around them. The jewel setter uses the surrounding gold to securely hold the diamond in place. 

 A delicately engraved guardian angel inside the ring accompanies the wearer every day. The MY DELIGHT mother-of-pearl ring is signed with the jewellery manufacturer’s exclusive trademark, the Diamond-W − the symbol of German made goldsmithing par excellence. The MY DELIGHT mother-of-pearl ring is only available in 2024.